OpenHAB2 is a great tool. I have a several BME280 inside my flat. They are monitoring my sleeping room, living room and my kitchen.
This is my items
Group indoor_temperature
Number:Temperature BME280_52_Temperature "Temperatur Indoor [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (indoor_temperature) {expire="90m, 0"}
Number:Temperature BME280_54_Temperature "Temperatur Indoor [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (indoor_temperature) {expire="90m, 0"}
The idea was to send me a Telegram message if the temperature is blow a certain threshold.
Since I'm a lazy guy, I do not like to configure a new rule for every sensor. That's why I build a alerting feature via groups.
The idea was that the threshold could be configured via the items
file or with a input box on my sitemap.
To work with groups I had to create two new groups to group the Switch Item
if the alarm is active and the threshold of every sensor:
Group indoor_temperature_alarm
Group indoor_temperature_alarm_threshold
For every temperature sensor I need a Switch Item and a String Item that hold the information:
Switch BME280_54_Temperature_Alarm "Küche Temperaturalarm" (indoor_temperature_alarm)
String BME280_54_Temperature_Alarm_Threshold "18" (indoor_temperature_alarm_threshold)
We have set the threshold for the kitchen at 18°C!
At first we need a rule to set the alarm switch on and off:
rule "indoor_temperature below"
Member of indoor_temperature received update
var item_name_alarm = + '_Alarm'
var item_name_alarm_threshold = item_name_alarm + '_Threshold'
var threshold_item = indoor_temperature_alarm_threshold.members.findFirst[name.equals(item_name_alarm_threshold)]
var QuantityType<Temperature> threshold_value = new QuantityType(threshold_item.label + "°C")
if (triggeringItem.state < threshold_value ) {
sendCommand(item_name_alarm, "ON")
else {
sendCommand(item_name_alarm, "OFF")
Now the state of the alarm is set to the Switch Item of every sensor. Let's now send a Telegram message:
rule "indoor_temperature_alarm changed"
Member of indoor_temperature_alarm changed
var item_name =
var item_name_of_value = item_name.substring(0,'_'))
var temperature_Item = indoor_temperature.members.findFirst[name.equals(item_name_of_value)]
logInfo("TemperatureAlarm", item_name)
logInfo("TemperatureAlarm", "Item Name of the value " + item_name_of_value + "Value:" + temperature_Item.state.toString)
var message = ""
if (triggeringItem.state == ON) {
message = triggeringItem.label + ": Temperatur zu niedrig: " + temperature_Item.state.toString
else {
message = triggeringItem.label + ": Temperatur wieder normal: " + temperature_Item.state.toString
sendTelegram("hggh", message)